viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014


The students from Year 5B wrote some terrific stories for you to enjoy reading this Halloween night. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

Have a nice horror Halloween. :) 

                                       [CLICK ON THE IMAGES TO READ THE STORIES]

This is Halloween. 

Written by: Adrián Díaz, Dani Pérez, David Canorea, Tomás Rivas, Dani Tur and Pablo Jiménez.

The Ghost Pedro.

Written by: Inés Hernández, Marta de Fresno, Sara Agra and Amy Villamar.
 The Invasion Ghost.

Written by: Lucía Moreno, Miguel Gómez, Marjorie Guisado, Elena Velasco and Lucía Calonge.
 Five girls in Halloween.

Written by: Lucía González, Carla Domínguez, Alba Canalejo, Inés Cuadrado and Alba Rodríguez.
Zombies Cure.

Written by: Guillermo Gómez, Alejandro Canorea, Rodrigo Morales, Pedro Geilfus, Marco Panfalone and Luismi Montes.

Here you have our making off video:

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014


Durante esta semana los alumnos de 1º E.P. hemos celebrado Halloween.
Hemos hecho un esqueleto. Si quieres verlo, coge sitio, reproduce el vídeo y... ¡disfrútalo!
Los alumnos y profesores os desean un ¡¡FELIZ HALLOWEEN!!

Along this week pupils from Year 1 of Primary Education have been celebrating Halloween.
We made a skeleton. If you want to see it....take a sit, click the video and enjoy it!
Pupils and teachers wish you a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014


  1. First, revise some Halloween words!

     2. Then, move your skeleton and dance!!!

    3. Now, sit back, relax and have fun playing Halloween games

---------- > Haunted house 1.
----------> Haunted house 2.

martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Numbers practice. 3º EP

En 3º seguimos practicando los números en casa. Jugando es mucho más divertido.

In Year 3, we keep practicing the numbers at home. Playing is much more fun.

Numbers from 1 to 20.

Numbers from 1 to 100.

------> GAMES:

domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014

All about me!

Are you a boy or a girl? Have you got red, brown or blond hair? Set up your character, read, play and have fun!!!

Configura tu personaje y ponte a jugar. ¡Verás qué divertido!

                            -----> play: Who am I?

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014


En 1º estamos aprendiendo los sonidos de las letras.
¡Es muy divertido!
Para poder seguir practicando como lo hacemos en clase, aquí tenéis un vídeo.
¡Espero que os guste!

In Year 1 of Primary we are learning the letter sounds.
It's so much fun!
If you want to practice as we do in our English lessons, watch the video below.
I hope you like it and enjoy it!

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

El poder de Magic e 2º E.P.

¡Tenemos el poder de "Magic e"!

En 2º E.P. hemos visto los "poderes" que tiene esta vocal tan especial.
Primero, aprendemos las vocales en inglés con este vídeo tan chulo.

We have the power of Magic e!

In 2nd Year E.P. We have seen the powers this special vowel has.
First, we learned the vowels in English with this cool video.

Luego, aprendimos porqué es mágica ¿Quieres verlo?

Then, we learned why it's magical. Do you want to see it? Check it out

Y para terminar....¡jugamos! (haz click en los enlaces de abajo)

To end up... Let's play! (click the links below)

----- > GAMES: 

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014


Class, it's your turn to learn and have fun. Practice irregular verbs at home and get ready for the class contest... coming soon! ha ha

Check out the song, it's like a worm in my ear!

------> GAMES: (click the links below)

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

WHAT'S THE TIME MR WOLF? 4º, 5º, 6º.

It's time to start revising. There's no time to loose... So click on the video, watch it, learn the basics, play the games and have fun!!!